Greater Mount Vernon Missionary Baptist Church
Church History (1964 – Present)
The original Mount Vernon Missionary Baptist Church established its congregation on October 22, 1964. The first worship service was held in the home of the late Deacon and Sister Hosie Walton located at 1132 Aldrich Avenue North. The late Ebba Singleton (English), Frankie James, and Ezekiel Davis were among its first members. Reverend Earl Young served as the first pastor from October 1964 through March 1967.
Mount Vernon relocated from Deacon Walton’s home to 700 Lyndale Avenue North. Deacons Jessie and Willie Wright soon joined the growing congregation. The congregation continued to grow resulting in another move to the Phyllis Wheatley Community Center, then located at 8th and Aldrich Avenue North.
History of Pastors:
To accommodate our growing congregation, on April 29, 1999, God blessed Mount Vernon with a new church home located at 920 31st Avenue North. The church was dedicated to God on Sunday, May 23, 1999 and the name was enhanced to Greater Mount Vernon Missionary Baptist Church (GMVMBC). During our time at this location our membership and ministry continued to grow. As we approached the new millennium, it was obvious that God was doing great work in the life of Greater Mount Vernon. Membership continued to grow, as membership grew so did our ministries.
During our time at 920 31st Avenue North, Greater Mount Vernon breathed life into several new ministries:
· The Soldiers for Christ
· The Lil’ Soldiers for Christ
· Destined to Praise Youth Praise Dance
· Chosen Vessels Teen Girls Ministry
· The Minister’s Wives Ministry
· Women of Destiny Women’s Ministry
· The Prison Ministry
· “The Clothes Closet”
· The Men and Samsonites Young Men’s Ministry
· The Men’s Chorus
· The Women of Praise
· The Media Ministry
· The Marriage Ministry, and
· The Singles Ministry
Christian Education was still paramount and very much alive in the life of Greater Mount Vernon. We saw an increase in both Sunday School and Bible Study attendance.
On April 20, 2008, God’s blessing fell on Greater Mount Vernon in the form of yet another church building, located at 1800 DuPont Avenue North. The church was purchased and completely renovated to accommodate our growing congregation and ministries. The church was dedicated to God on Sunday, June 29, 2008. Membership increased rapidly and the ministry growth continued to include:
· Expression of Praise Young Adult Mimes
· Anointed Soldiers Youth Praise Dance
· Girl and Boy Scouts
· Write the Vision Youth Poetry Ministry
· Treasures of the Heart Adult Poetry Ministry; and
· Health and Wellness Ministry
Sunday School has grown and has been replaced by Saturday Church School. Weekly attendance has increased to over 100 members. We still continue to grow.
The Men’s Ministry was changed to the Great Men of Victory (GMV) and the Social Outreach Ministry was added to help carry out the ministry goals. In 2015, Greater Mount Vernon and the community were blessed with a radio broadcast from Pastor Bowen each Sunday morning on KMOJ Radio Station.
Moving forward under Pastor Bowen’s anointed leadership we have ordained 36 deacons, licensed and/or ordained 22 preachers of which four have gone on to pastor other churches. In 2013, with a growing membership and ever expanding ministry Pastor Bowen shared his vision for further expansion. We purchased the properties at 1801 and 1805 DuPont which will become our new church home in the near future. God has much more in store for Greater Mount Vernon as we continue to be Church Builders for Christ . . . Saving the Lost and Keeping the Saved!
Greater Mount Vernon Missionary Baptist Church
1800 N Dupont Ave Minneapolis, MN 55411 US